
Are Drawing Tablets Compatible With Laptops?

If you’re just getting started as a digital artist, you’ve probably heard before how important it is to consider getting a digital tablet. This could make a world of a difference for you as you prepare to enhance your skills as a digital artist. However, there are many people who wonder whether or not drawing tablets are compatible with laptops, whether for monetary concerns or for simple convenience. The answer is yes. In fact, there are many that require the use of a computer in order to work. They generally come with USB cords that you can plug into your laptop. This will not only allow you to control your drawings, but you will also be able to save them to your laptop files and print them if necessary. In this article, we’ll go over the different types of drawing tablets, as well as some of our favorites that are compatible with laptops. Types of Drawing Tablets As we know, there are some graphic tablets that do not come with a battery, so you will have to plug them into your ...

Is Manga Better Than Comics? 5 Differences!

Is manga better than comics? A lot of people tend to lean towards team manga. The reason behind this? A lot of people think that mangas have more thought into them not only with the stories but the drawings as well. Is there any truth to this? Or are they on different levels that they cannot be compared with one another? Manga is not better than comics, in the same way that comics are not better than mangas. They have the same idea where there are unique characters and plots in printed media. But they differ in a lot of aspects i.e.; distribution, flow, and even format. Your preference is key to know which is better. When it comes to sales numbers, manga do much better than comics. Are you let down by the answer? Well, keep reading for you to understand why one cannot be compared to the other. In face value, they are pretty much alike, but as you read through this article, you will discover their huge differences. Are you team manga or team comics? Read on to find out! Is Manga Be...

Are Alcohol-Based Markers Allowed On Planes?

As an artist, it’s imperative to have your equipment with you at all times. Inspiration can hit at any time, and it would be a waste not to have your supplies with you to express it. When traveling, new places, and unique architecture stimulate an artists’ creative mind. Then, ideally, they’d whip out their markers and start sketching the amazing scenery. Since most amazing markers such as Copic are alcohol-based, many are left wondering whether they can actually bring their equipment on-board, since it’s known that alcohol is a flammable liquid. Are alcohol-based markers allowed on planes? The answer is not that simple. It varies from airline to airline, but the general rule of thumb is that you can bring your alcohol-based markers onboard as a part of your checked-in luggage. However, you should avoid bringing them in your carry-on bag. Alcohol is a flammable liquid that can pose a security threat to everyone else on the plane. Although many airlines will allow you to bring your m...

Why Drawing Tablets Are So Expensive + Inexpensive Options

Everyone knows how technologically advanced our world is today. It’s incredible that we are able to have the entire world at our fingertips and have everything we need on a virtual device. In addition to this, people who enjoy art are able to create their favorite drawings with the help of a tablet. But there’s one thing that might cause artists to take a step back before buying a drawing tablet- the cost. Drawing tablets are notoriously expensive because of the quality, the functions the device comes with, its surface, and other important features. If you want to have a high-quality drawing tablet, then you will likely have to pay a lot for it. In this article, we will provide you with a more in-depth image of why drawing tablets are so expensive, as well as some of the best drawing tablets on the market and some important features to consider when you go to purchase yours. Reasons for the Cost Many artists enjoy using drawing tablets. There are many who still rely on the good ol...

Why Copic Markers Are Absolutely Worth It

If you’ve been getting into drawing lately, you’ve probably heard all about Copic markers. Many people claim that these are the best markers on the market, no matter whether you’re a beginner or someone working on quite complex projects. You probably started your art career drawing with typical Crayola markers or something else that you were able to purchase from your local art store for cheap. There’s certainly nothing wrong with these types of markers, but they won’t give you the quality that you’re looking for. One of the best ways to become a better artist is to make sure that you have the best quality materials that you can afford because it will truly make a difference in the outcome of your work. So, if you’re looking for high-quality and professional art markers, Copic markers are one of your best options. Yes, they’re expensive, and if you need to get many colors, you’re going to be spending a lot of money. But we think that Copic markers are totally worth considering and ...

Drawing Tablets – Are Those With A Screen Better?

If you are looking to purchase a drawing tablet, you may have noticed that there are different types on the market, namely ones with and without screens. Of course, drawing tablets with screens might be the more attractive choice, but are drawing tablets with screens really better? Yes. Drawing tablets with screens are certainly easier to use because you will have more control over what you’re drawing. There is also more that you will be able to do with these tablets. There are some downsides to screens, but they are generally considered to be the better option. We will discuss some of the different reasons why we think drawing tablets are better, as well as some of their drawbacks, in more detail in this article. Reasons Why Drawing Tablets With Screens Are Better Nowadays, artists have many options to explore to enhance their skills aside from a piece of paper and paint. You also have the opportunity to purchase a drawing tablet, which is perfect for many types of artists, inclu...

Why Drawing Anime Is Hard + 3 Tips That Will Help

Anime is a style of art that has somewhat of a bad reputation, especially among art teachers. Many of them discourage their art students from starting off with the style because it’s considered to be too “easy.” But is this actually the case? Is drawing anime actually hard? The short answer is that anime isn’t easy to draw by any means, but it will become easier with practices. You need to have some sort of foundation, learn the different styles, basic anatomy, and other features that could make it more difficult to draw. In this article, we will go over why people think that drawing anime is easy and what key features you need to learn before you start to draw anime. Why People Think Anime Is Easy Many art students have had teachers who discouraged them from drawing anime, saying that it’s too easy and too much of it is based on simplicity. Anime is, indeed, a specific style of art that is distinguishable among others. The style particularly focuses on facial features and larger-...