Manga: Five Things You'll Love About It

1. It's In Book Form.
If you're like me and you prefer comics to actual reading, then Manga is your thing. I often get weird looks when I say I don't like reading, I mean I'm relatively intelligent, but when you say you don't like reading you're automatically though of as an idiot. So I have to force my self to do something that I think is mind-numbingly boring, and that's where Manga comes in. Ha ha ha! Now I can read comic books in book form! Now I can read comics and people will just assume I am reading a book! Take that books!
2. Two Versions.
Normally Manga is the first format a story comes in. What I mean is if a Manga if fairly popular it will be turned in to an anime. Now this is normally done half way through the Manga so we often get similar or even identical stories at the beginning, and then sometimes they branch off becoming completely different. So which one is better, the manga or the anime? Many people say the Manga is always better, but there are times when the anime is better or the Manga is. For example, I always thought the Manga for Fullmetal Alchemist was way to depressing and then I watched the first anime adaptation, and it was funny, heart warming, still depressing, but much better in my opinion. Then they made another anime adaptation closer to the manga. And let me tell you AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH I will never be the same again! It was so depressing. But then you get Mangas that are better, like Shugo Chara. The ending for Shugo Chara in the anime was terrible, after reading the Manga's ending I was a lot happier and I accepted that as the real ending. What I am saying is it's nice to have two different story bridges, then you get to decide which one to go with if you don't like the other one.

Read More: Manga: Five Things You'll Love About It


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